Please join us for the release of, "How Did We Get Here?" at Verbatim Books, February 12th, from 6:45-10pm. We will be hosting a panel discussion about the history of City Heights and the making of an original, narrative novel. The Panel will consist of the Founder of The AjA Project, Shinpei Takeda, the Author and Editor Haneen Oriqat, Illustrator Chey Diehl.
"How Did We Get Here?" was created with great support and collaboration with Urban Habitat who made the first comic in 2005 about the city that they live and work in Oakland, California. The AjA Project was inspired to create a similar graphic novel with City Height's story, and started the project in 2018. The graphic novel with fictional characters from multiple diverse backgrounds illustrates the history of City Heights, focusing on issues like race, class, transportation, land-use, and housing for immigrants and refugees that make up City Heights. We hope you come out and join us to grab a comic book, and meet the artists and community members who made it possible!
The Comic Book Artists of San Diego including the novel Illustrator Chey Diehl, will be joining us as vendors, offering their collection of illustrations, comics, and information on their work and upcoming events."