Farrah Karapetian, Accessory to Protest 4: Red Hoodie, 2011

STEAM OnDemand.

STEAM OnDemand is a photography-based curriculum that explores the evolution of the camera and how it intersects with science, technology, engineering, art and math. Each program includes a workshop box to accompany a series hands-on demonstrations that explore light.

Teaching Artists

Jezabeth Roca Gonzalez + Pat Blocher

Date + Time

Dec 27 to Dec 30 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM


THE AJA PROJECT - 4089 Fairmount Avenue, San Diego, CA 92105


(above) Pat Blocher

(right) Farrah Karapetian, Accessory to Protest 4: Red Hoodie, 2011


    Students will learn how to make photograms—another type of cameraless photograph that is made in the darkroom by placing objects on photo sensitive black and white paper, exposed to light, and processed in black and white chemistry.

    DAY 1 - Dec 27 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM


    Students will use supplied materials to build their own pinhole camera. Making our own Pinhole Camera is the first step to experimenting with camera based photography. We will also learn about the Focal length and diameter of the pinhole in order to figure out the exposure times.

    DAY 2- Dec 28 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM


    Students will learn how to make Lumen prints—a type of cameraless photograph that does not use chemistry to process the image. We will use found foliage to place on expired photo paper and left in the sun to expose. After, prints must be stored away from light to preserve the image.

    DAY 3 - Dec 29 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM


    Students will learn how to make chemigrams—a form of cameraless photography made by applying chemistry directly to photo paper in various methods. Can be done in lit environments.

    DAY 4 - Dec 30 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM